
Is Wayfare Tavern’s Nineteen-Dollar Burger Worth the Price?

A cross-section.
A cross-section.

We have eaten Wayfare Tavern’s burger, and it is quite delicious. However spending $19 on a burger is painful for most people. A Hamburger Today still comes out cheering for the burger, saying “It comes surrounded by ingredients expensive enough to at least make a gesture at justifying the price.” Among those ingredients are brie cheese, thick-cut bacon, and a six-ounce, proprietary grind, grass-fed beef patty. They conclude, while you may be able to get better burgers for less, it is still one of the best burgers in town, if priced for the expense-account set. [A Hamburger Today/Serious Eats]

Is Wayfare Tavern’s Nineteen-Dollar Burger Worth the Price?