
Watch Some Fake Snow Fall While You Drink at the Hyatt Bar This Xmas

Yes Virginia, there really will be snow in San Francisco this Christmas. The atrium of the Hyatt Regency, which always gets pretty over-the-top festive around the holidays anyway, will soon feature a constant shower of magical fake snowflakes that evaporate as soon as they hit the ground. As Leah Garchik reports, the Evaporative Snow® will start falling on November 19, and the manufacturers assure us that it’s totally safe with food. “[It’s] a laboratory formulated foam based solution… The quick answer is it’s a fake snow flake, which is dense foam blown through a special filter that creates small and various sizes of tiny white bubble flake like clusters creating the illusion of snow.” [Chron/Garchik]

Watch Some Fake Snow Fall While You Drink at the Hyatt Bar This Xmas