The Other Critics

Noise Complaints at Balboa Cafe, Mercury Lounge

Photo: Courtesy of Mercury Lounge

• Carey Sweet checks in with Balboa Cafe in Mill Valley for a two-star experience described by “careless” preparation and a very noisy bar. “At Mill Valley’s brighter, shiner spot, the din is there, but the dinner still needs some work.” [SF Chronicle]

• Another noise complaint this week: Meredith Brody liked Mercury Lounge’s “delicious array of pan-Asian small plates” but seems slightly terrified of catching it during its noisy late-night hours. [SF Weekly]

• Paul Reidinger was appropriately struck by the Moss Room’s look — “like a lavish bunker” — and impressed by the food, though he calls the small plates “restless.” [SFBG]

Noise Complaints at Balboa Cafe, Mercury Lounge